The sculptures of the Revoltella Museum in Trieste

Canova | Napoleone

Canova, Napoleone come Marte pacificatore. Museo Revoltella, Trieste.


Anyone visiting Trieste is fascinated by the works housed in this city and cannot remain indifferent to the quantity of masterpieces and sculptures in the Revoltella Museum.

Founded in 1872 by Baron Pasquale Revoltella, the Revoltella Museum in Trieste is the first modern art gallery established in Italy.
Its founder was one of the most representative figures of imperial Trieste. In his will, he bequeathed his palace and his enormous art collection to the city.

The sculptures in the Revoltella Museum


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Mostre 2023 in Italia: calendario mostre d’arte


Mostre Nord ItaliaMostre Centro ItaliaMostre Sud Italia e Isole

Questa è la pagina dedicata alle mostre 2023 in Italia.
Un calendario sempre aggiornato con gli eventi da non perdere, i link per prenotare i biglietti e per leggere gli approfondimenti sulle mostre più interessanti dell’anno.

Scorri l’elenco qui sotto con tutte le novità oppure clicca uno dei bottoni in alto per scoprire quali sono le mostre da vedere al Nord, al Centro, al Sud e Isole.
In fondo al post trovi invece l’Archivio Mostre con gli eventi del 2023 che si sono già conclusi.

Attenzione: se la tua passione è l’arte contemporanea e non vuoi perderti gli eventi più interessanti, dai un’occhiata alla sezione speciale dedicata alle mostre d’arte contemporanea da vedere in Italia nel 2023.
Se invece è la fotografia la tua passione, dai un’occhiata alla lista delle mostre di fotografia da vedere.

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The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan

Max Ernst | angelo del focolare

Max Ernst, L’angelo del focolare, 1937
Olio su tela, 114 x 146 cm
Collezione privata, Svizzera Classicpaintings / Alamy Stock Photo © Max Ernst by SIAE 2022


The breadth of themes and experimentation in Max Ernst’s work spans seventy years of 20th century history, between Europe and the United States, eluding any definition.
The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan is the first major Italian retrospective dedicated to an artist who was a visionary interpreter of art history, philosophy, science and alchemy.

Max Ernst was to all intents and purposes a humanist in the neo-Renaissance sense, and in this exhibition his works allow us to delve into every aspect of his life and work.

The Max Ernst exhibition in Milan

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The countercultural stories of Jago, Banksy, TvBoy on show

jago banksy tvboy | mostre Bologna


The works of Jago, Banksy and TvBoy on display in Bologna to create a ‘virtual’ dialogue between the mysterious British artist and two of Italy’s most influential artists.

What do these three artists have in common to justify an exhibition that, with 60 works on display, presents itself as one of the most important on the contemporary art scene?
What they have in common is the fact that they have subverted the rules of art, refusing to become part of a system that squeezes artists rather than enhancing them, excludes the best to make room for those who are better at fitting into an economic system.

Jago, Banksy, TvBoy

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Photography as information technology

Fotografo sconosciuto, pubblicità della Recordak con etichetta "Tutti questi assegni in 30 metri di rullino. Un bel risparmio", 1955 c. Università di Rochester, Libri Rari, Collezioni Speciali e Conservazione (RBSCP), Kodak Historical Collection / Photographer unknown, photo for a Recordak ad, labelled "All those checks in a 100-foot roll. That's economy", ca. 1955. University of Rochester, Rare Books,

Fotografo sconosciuto, pubblicità della Recordak con etichetta “Tutti questi assegni in 30 metri di rullino. Un bel risparmio”, 1955 c. Università di Rochester, Libri Rari, Collezioni Speciali e Conservazione (RBSCP), Kodak Historical Collection / Photographer unknown, photo for a Recordak ad, labelled “All those checks in a 100-foot roll. That’s economy”, ca. 1955. University of Rochester, Rare Books.


How many photographs have you taken with your smartphone in the last seven days? How many images have you received and left stored on your phone?

Photography is an integral part of our lives.
From its inception to the present day, it has had the ability to insert itself into every area of society, from science to art, from politics to information, from industry to the personal lives of each of us.

An exhibition in Bologna tells a different story of photography, one that goes beyond the fact that photography is an art, but considers this tool in its countless practical uses and communicative power.

Photography as information technology

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