Duchamp. The bride and the bachelors

The bride and the bachelors, exhibition at the Barbican Centre in London, reflects on the legacy of Marcel Duchamp in America throughhis collaborations with four mastersof the art: the composer John Cage, choreographer Merce Cunningham and artists Robert Rauschenbergand Jasper Johns.
The exhibition begins with a section dedicated to the first greatinnovations of Duchamp side by side with works by Rauschenberg and Jonhs. The main hall is occupied by a spacious stage, with set design by Rauschenberg andJohns, that every weekend is animated by the live performance inspired byCunningham’s choreography, designed by the artist as the dance equivalent ofDuchamp’s ready-mades. The following sections of the exhibitiondeal with the theme of chess (Duchamp was a great player), the role of chancein the artistic process, ready-mades, and absence.


The bride and the bachelors, mostra allestita al Barbican Centre di Londra, riflette sull’eredità di Marcel Duchamp in America attraverso le sue collaborazioni con quattro maestri dell’arte: il compositore John Cage, il coreografo Merce Cunningham e gli artisti Robert Rauschenberg e Jasper Johns. L’esposizione comincia con una sezione dedicata alle prime grandi innovazioni di Duchamp affiancate a opere di Rauschenberg e Jonhs. La sala principale è occupata da uno spazioso palcoscenico, con scenografie di Rauschenberg e Johns, che ogni  weekend è animata dalle performance live ispirate a coreografie di Cunningham, pensate dall’artista come l’equivalente danzante dei ready made di Duchamp. Le sezioni successive della mostra affrontano il tema degli scacchi (Duchamp era un grande giocatore), del ruolo del caso nel processo artistico, dei ready made, e dell’assenza.

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