Find your passion: a journey through the most popular DIY hobbies

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There is certainly a great deal of creativity hiding inside you that is ready to bring wonderful DIY projects to life. So why wait? Start exploring your interests and shaping your talents now!

Many of us discover our skills very early on, others stumble upon them by chance, while still others have no idea which hobby is right for them. There are those who like to try out new activities all the time and get inspired by the ever-changing online trends; while others spend a lifetime perfecting a single hobby and become real experts.
There is no right way, the important thing is to listen to your creative instincts and find your own way of expressing yourself through art!

Find your passion: a journey through the most popular DIY hobbies

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Art in Motion: The Challenge and Art of Transporting Works of Art Safely

trasportare opere d'arte

From The Guardian website

The safe transport of works of art is a fundamental aspect of the preservation of the global artistic and cultural heritage. It is a delicate and complex task that requires a deep understanding of the nature of art, careful planning and great attention to detail.

This article will explore the importance and methods of the safe transport of works of art, from practical and technical aspects to international standards and case studies of some of the world’s most famous works of art.

Art in Motion: The Challenge and Art of Transporting Works of Art Safely

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8 Steps to Write a Brilliant Art Essay

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Essay writing is a skill that most people learn at school to some extent. However, even the most experienced writers can struggle with essays. The format of an essay can vary, but all of them require you to have academic writing skills and be able to present your thoughts in a structured and succinct way.

Luckily, even if you have never written an essay in your life, you can learn how to do this. Art essays are particularly popular, so you can start with a topic in this field. Without further ado, here are eight steps to write a brilliant art essay.

8 Steps to Write a Brilliant Art Essay

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The Wonders of Art: from Renaissance to Baroque

David Michelangelo | firenze

Image source:

The Renaissance brought wonders to art. It was an artistic, cultural and intellectual movement that developed in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries, but whose main centre of development was Italy.
In the artistic context, the Renaissance was characterised by a strong focus on the rediscovery of classical antiquity and a greater expressiveness and realism in representations.

In this post, Adele Pelazza tells us about the characteristics of this particular moment in art history.

The Wonders of Art: From Renaissance to Baroque

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What should an artist publish on his or her website

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I am often asked what an artist should publish on his or her website or what are the tricks to communicate the works and work of a contemporary artist well.
These questions are not easy to answer mainly because there is no one single answer to give, in fact every artist is in his or her own way and each path requires different strategies and specific content.

However, it is possible to make a list of good practices, i.e. tips that each artist can follow in order to find his or her own way of communicating online, depending also on the target audience.

What should an artist publish on his or her website

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