The greatest art theft in history

In the early hours of March 18, 1990, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston was the scene of the largest art theft in history. Two men dressed as police officers appeared at the museum’s entrance, claiming to have been called to respond to an emergency call.
Naively, the security guards allowed them access, and once inside, the fake police officers quickly immobilized the guards, binding and gagging them in the basement, taking total control of the museum.


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Lombroso Museum in Turin: how to visit and what to see

The Cesare Lombroso Museum of Criminal Anthropology was founded in the last quarter of the 19th century at the behest of the physician and anthropologist who still bears his name, best known for his theories on the link between physiognomy and criminal degeneration. Although these theories have been largely disproved scientifically, even today visiting the Museum of Crime in Turin is certainly a singular experience. After all, Turin is known for its mysterious and esoteric character. What to know about the museum?

What the Lombroso Museum holds

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What to visit in Paestum

In the northern part of Cilento, Campania, we find an archaeological park where we can visit the remains of the best-preserved Greco-Roman city in Italy. This is Paestum, best known for its temples: it offers visitors a unique testimony to life at the time of Magna Graecia and the Romans. How to buy tickets to visit it and how to get there?

What to see in Paestum

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MACBA, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona

The MACBA, Barcelona’s Museum of Contemporary Art, is located in the beating heart of the Raval, a neighborhood of the city less known to tourists but reborn and enlivened thanks in part to the presence of this building. If art is your passion, MACBA deserves a place on your list of must-see museums in Barcelona, next without a doubt to the famous works of Gaudí that adorn the city with their architectural magnificence.

The architecture of MACBA: the design of Richard Meier

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St. John’s Hospital in Bruges: history, art and rebirth


Have you ever visited a place that can transport you back in time, offering a unique experience between art, spirituality and centuries of dedication to human welfare? After a thorough restoration, St. John’s Hospital in Bruges has reopened to the public, offering just such an opportunity.

In this post, I take you on a tour of one of Flanders’ most fascinating historical and artistic gems, which I have already pointed out to you as one of the places to see in Bruges and where the past meets the present in a journey through centuries of history. Located in the heart of the city, St. John’s Hospital stands out not only for its historical importance but also because it houses an extraordinary art collection, including works by Hans Memling, a key figure in 15th-century Flemish painting.


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