Futurism and Aeropainting: the artistic revolution that transformed the world

Tullio Crali | Incuneandosi nell'abitato

Tullio Crali, Incuneandosi nell’abitato. Tuffo sulla citta

Have you ever heard of Futurism and Aeropainting? More importantly, do you know the historical and cultural roots that gave birth to these revolutionary artistic movements?
As the 19th century came to a close in Italy in a climate of growing social unrest and authoritarian tension, Futurism was born as a cultural storm, ready to sweep everything away. This historical phase saw Italy undergoing rapid industrial development but also the challenges posed by infrastructural deficits and economic disparities, especially in the southern regions. Let us look together at the terrain on which aeropainting was born.

Futurism and Aeropainting: the artistic revolution that transformed the world

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Art Nouveau: the artistic movement that defined an era

Art Nouveau | architettura

Have you ever heard of Art Nouveau, the artistic movement that swept away the aesthetic conventions of the Victorian era to revolutionise the world of art and design? If the answer is no, you are in the right place to discover all the details of this fascinating movement.

Born at the end of the 19th century during the Belle Époque, Art Nouveau marked a period when art merged with philosophy, architecture and the applied arts to create a symphony of forms and styles that influenced countless aspects of everyday life, from architecture to fashion, from furniture to funerary art. Let’s discover together how Art Nouveau transformed the perception of art and culture in Europe and beyond.

Art Nouveau: the artistic movement that defined an era

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Pre-Raphaelite artists: transforming art with spirituality and innovative vision

Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Beata Beatri

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Beata Beatrix, 1880, Olio su tela, cm 86 x 66,7. Edimburgo, National Galleries of Scotland. Dono di A.E. Anderson in memoria del fratello Frank, 1928. © Bridgeman Images

Have you ever heard of the Pre-Raphaelites? This fascinating 19th century British art movement is a real hidden gem in the art world. I am sure their story will fascinate you, just as it fascinated me.
In this post we will dive into the world of the Pre-Raphaelite artists, discovering their philosophy, the influence they had and the masterpieces they left behind. Get ready for an exciting journey.

Pre-Raphaelite artists: transforming art with spirituality and innovative vision

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Digital art: what it is, artists, techniques and market

img arte digitale

Have you ever stopped to reflect on the artistic phenomenon that is changing the face of creativity in our century? We live in a time when technological innovation permeates every aspect of our daily lives and how could art, the eternal expression of the human soul, remain indifferent to this revolution? Yes, I am referring to digital art, that new expressive universe that embodies the intersection of creative genius and the technological avant-garde.

This art sector is becoming more and more relevant, influencing not only the creative aspect of the artwork, but also our way of enjoying art and collecting.
From the birth of computers to the frenetic NFT market, digital art is an ever-evolving frontier, and today I want to guide you through its intricate paths.

Digital art: what it is, artists, techniques and market

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The main artistic currents of the Belle Époque

mostre impressionismo

Have you ever wanted to take a trip back in time and immerse yourself in the era when art and culture exploded in a whirlwind of unparalleled creativity? Well, get ready to discover the main artistic currents that characterised the extraordinary Belle Époque.
This period, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, witnessed an explosion of innovation and cultural transformations that shaped the artistic world in astonishing ways.

The main artistic currents of the Belle Époque

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