How to Visit Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence

Cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore | Duomo Firenze

Cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, Firenze – Image source: Gabriele Colzi via Facebook

In one of the richest cities in terms of monuments and museums, Florence, we find one of the grandest examples of the spirit of the Italian Renaissance: the dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. With its bulky volume, characterising the skyline of Florence from all corners of the city, its construction was a truly avant-garde feat and even today visiting it means knowing a little of the genius who designed it. The context in which it is set, then, confirms the artistic, cultural and political centrality of the City of the Lily during the Renaissance. How to climb Brunelleschi’s dome to enjoy a breathtaking view of the city?

Tickets for Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence

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Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence: art, history and spirituality

img Battistero Firenze

Have you ever dreamed of immersing yourself in the art and spirituality of centuries past, discovering places steeped in history and beauty? Well, get ready for a fascinating journey to discover the magnificent Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, where art and spirituality come together in a unique experience.

Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence: art, history and spirituality

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Discovering Donatello’s Magdalene: a masterpiece in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence

Maddalena Donatello | opere Firenze

Sei pronto a fare un viaggio indimenticabile nel cuore di Firenze, immergendoti nella bellezza senza tempo di un capolavoro scultoreo? Con questo post ti guiderò alla scoperta della Maddalena di Donatello, una straordinaria opera d’arte che incanta con la sua raffinatezza e la sua profonda espressività. Preparati a lasciarti affascinare da questa figura carica di emozioni e simbolismi, mentre ti svelerò la sua storia, la sua collocazione e il recente restauro che ne ha restituito tutto il suo splendore. Benvenuto dove l’arte prende vita e ti cattura nel tempo.

Discovering Donatello’s Magdalene: a masterpiece in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence

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Guide to the Pazzi Chapel: a Renaissance masterpiece in Florence

Cappella Pazzi | Firenze musei

Are you passionate about art and culture? Are you planning a visit to Florence, a city rich in artistic treasures? Then you cannot miss the Pazzi Chapel, an architectural jewel of the Italian Renaissance.
In this post, I will take you on a tour of this extraordinary work of art, telling you its history, architectural details and the works that decorate it. Get ready to immerse yourself in the elegance and majesty of Florence’s history!

Guide to the Pazzi Chapel: a Renaissance masterpiece in Florence

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The Old Sacristy, a masterpiece by Brunelleschi in Florence

Sagrestia Vecchia | Brunelleschi

Are you ready to discover an authentic jewel of the Florentine Renaissance? I invite you to immerse yourself in the history and art of Florence as I guide you to discover the extraordinary Old Sacristy. Located inside the Basilica of San Lorenzo, this magnificent work of art created by Filippo Brunelleschi for the Medici family is a true architectural and cultural landmark. Before you embark on this fascinating adventure, however, be sure to explore some of the other wonders Florence has to offer. Find out more about what to see in Florence.

Now, let yourself be fascinated by the history and secrets of this extraordinary Renaissance work of art, the Old Sacristy.

The Old Sacristy, a masterpiece by Brunelleschi in Florence

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