3 good reasons to visit the exhibition Postwar Era


Guggenheim Collection | Venice exhibition

3 good reasons to visit the exhibition entitled “Postwar Era: a recent history. Tributes to Jack Tworkov and Claire Falkenstein” curated by Luca Massimo Barbero.

Postwar Era – The concept of Art often varies from one person to another.
Even thought you are an expert in art and you want to visit an exhibition of contemporary art, you probably might not find a good a reason to attend this display.

Guggenheim | exhibition

Palazzo Venier dei Leoni on the Grand Canal in Venice was purchased in 1948 by Peggy Guggenheim and was opened to the public one year later. The building, small and cosy, rises in all its splendour, plenty of marvellous, poetic, obscure and odd pieces of art.

According to Luca Massimo Barbero, the curator of the exhibition, it is curiosity that pushes someone to visit this display, devoted to two influential figures in the postwar period, although they aren’t famous, and almost certainly they haven’t been taken in account in standard textbook of history of art.

There are 3 good reasons to attend the exhibition dedicated to Jack Tworkov and Claire Falkenstein.

  1. The rich variety of artists on display, from Fontana to Sutherland, who was in competition with Francis Bacon, and was a proponent of an artistic movement which is expression of sorrow caused by the war.
  1. The presence of a less popular aspect of the collection of Peggy Guggenheim, shown by the research of sculptors such as Kenneth Armitage, Reg Butler, and Leslie Thorton, in addition to some painters such as Alan Davie and Graham Sutherland.
  1. An entire section devoted to works by Mirko Basaldella, who is associated with the rough sketch of the gate at the entrance of the Roman Ardeatine Caves, which shows a sculpture that stops, upsets, blocks, halts and marks historic periods.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection


Post written by Benedetta Franzin

Postwar Era: una storia recente. Omaggi a Jack Tworkov e Claire Falkenstein
Peggy Guggenheim Collection
january 23 – april 4 2016


Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
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