A journey through poetry, art and nature: the Euganean Hills Literary Park

Parco Letterario Francesco Petrarca

Have you ever visited a Literary Park? The Parco Letterario dei Colli Euganei (Euganean Hills Literary Park) was recently created, a unique experience that will allow you to immerse yourself in poetic and cultural atmospheres. This extraordinary tourist and artistic itinerary is dedicated to Francesco Petrarch and the host of poets who loved and found inspiration in these enchanted lands. In this post I will accompany you to discover the hidden treasures of this area of the Veneto, which has fascinated generations of Italian and foreign artists and writers.

A journey through poetry, art and nature: the Euganean Hills Literary Park

Parco Letterario | Francesco Petrarca

The green heart of Veneto welcomes the new Literary Park of Francesco Petrarca and the Euganean Hills. This unique place stretches between the ancient thermal baths of Abano and Montegrotto and Arquà Petrarca, transporting you on a journey through history and natural beauty, a stone’s throw from Padua, a Unesco World Heritage city.

The Euganean Hills, with their majestic presence resembling volcanic cones, the thermal waters emerging from the springs and the evocative landscapes, are the very essence of this region. Every bend in the territory reveals a new spectacle of colours, scents and charm. Picturesque villages, monasteries, villas and castles embellish this land, making it a true artistic jewel both in Italy and in Europe.

The emotions that poets have felt in this place have been turned into words, and today you can share these same feelings through the new ‘Via Poetica’. This poetic route is marked by 57 plaques, each with quotations and reflections from the poets who lingered there. You can sit along the route to listen to the voices of the past and be inspired by their view of the world.


Francesco Petrarch, to whom the Literary Park is dedicated, was just one of the many poets who loved these hills. Since the Bronze Age, this region has fascinated talented people, including internationally renowned writers and artists. Poets such as Byron, Foscolo, D’Annunzio and Zanzotto fell in love with these places, leaving an indelible mark on literary history.

Already during Roman times, the thermal baths of Abano and Montegrotto were famous for their curative properties, and the poet Claudianus left testimony to this in one of his writings in the 4th-5th century AD. Later, during the Renaissance period, Alvise Cornaro found inspiration for his ‘Treatise on a sober life’ in the Euganean Hills.

However, it was Petrarch who definitively consecrated these places in literary history. He chose Arquà Petrarca as his favourite residence and sang of his love for this village in his famous Canzoniere. After the poet’s death in 1374, Arquà Petrarca became the destination of a secular pilgrimage, a true tribute to his literary legacy. In the Romantic period, during the Grand Tour, many foreign visitors were attracted to this enchanting location.

But Petrarch was not the only one to be enraptured by the Euganean Hills. These lands have continued to exert an irresistible fascination on poets and writers of various eras. From Widmann to Byron, from Foscolo to D’Annunzio, many artists have found refuge and inspiration among the green hills of this region. In particular, Andrea Zanzotto, one of the most important poets of the 20th century, admitted his admiration for the Euganean Hills, describing them as mysterious and fascinating places.

Throughout the various epochs and generations, the Euganean Hills have continued to exert a high poetic intensity. Each writer, with his words, has contributed to painting a unique portrait of these places, revealing their beauty and depth. Each step along the Via Poetica is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the artistic and literary universe that has taken shape among these hills.
Travelling along the roads of the “Francesco Petrarca and the Euganean Hills” Literary Park means not only following in the footsteps of great poets, but also experiencing a connection with nature and culture. It is a journey that allows you to leave behind the hustle and bustle of everyday life and let yourself be seduced by the emotions that only these unique places can offer.

Even Galileo Galilei, who lived in Padua for eighteen years, was fascinated by the Euganean Hills and often took refuge here to regenerate and admire the poetic landscape.

Parco Letterario | Padova


The places that make up the Literary Park are rich in history and charm. The walls of Este have inspired works by famous writers such as Mary Shelley, while the Camaldolese monastery of Monte Rua and Villa Barbarigo have fascinated Italian poets and writers. From Teolo to the Benedictine Abbey of Praglia, from Torreglia to the Villa dei Vescovi, every corner of the Euganean Hills is permeated with poetry.

The Literary Park of the Euganean Hills is a treasure trove that holds not only natural beauty, but also a rich cultural history. Every corner of this region is pervaded by literary works and artistic references dating back to different eras.

The walls of Este, an ancient city rich in history and charm, have become the backdrop for novels and works by famous writers. Mary Shelley, author of ‘Frankenstein‘, set part of her story in this fascinating location. During the Renaissance, the famous poet Ludovico Ariosto mentioned Este in his masterpiece ‘Orlando Furioso’, paying homage to its beauty.

But it is not only foreign writers who have been attracted to the Euganean Hills. Italian poets too have found an unparalleled source of inspiration in these lands. Poets such as Giacomo Zanella, Attilio Bertolucci, Giorgio Bassani and Goffredo Parise have written words of admiration for this unique region. Their poetry has become a tribute to the magic and charm that only the Euganean Hills can offer.

Places such as the thermal baths of Galzignano, the hermitages and Camaldolese monastery of Monte Rua, Villa Barbarigo with its esoteric park have captured the imagination of Italian poets and writers. They found in these oases of tranquillity and beauty a refuge to cultivate their creative passions. Lazzaro Bonamico, Aglaia Anassillide and Giovanni Comisso are just some of the names that have left an indelible mark on the literary history of this region.

Teolo, with its evocative hilly landscape, and the Benedictine Abbey of Praglia have been a source of inspiration for numerous poets, including Fogazzaro, Diego Valeri, Giuseppe Barbieri, Vittorio Zambon and Andrea Zanzotto himself. These authors found inspiration for their works in the natural and spiritual beauty of these locations.

Continuing towards Torreglia, whose name was handed down by Nicolò Tommaseo and Concetto Marchesi, along with Giuseppe Barbieri and Dino Buzzati, we discover the enchanting Villa dei Vescovi. This villa, considered one of the earliest examples of classical architecture in the Veneto, fascinated Buzzati, who described it as a place with a unique panorama. Every step in this area rich in history and culture is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the artistic grandeur that has characterised the Euganean Hills over the centuries.

The Euganean Hills are a veritable treasure chest of cultural treasures, a place that has inspired and continues to inspire poets, writers and artists of every era. Exploring this region means immersing oneself in a journey through natural beauty and art, letting the words of poets merge with the surrounding landscape. The Literary Park is an invitation to discover and appreciate the deep connection between art and nature, combining the poetic legacy of the great masters with the timeless beauty of the Euganean Hills.

Parco Letterario Petrarca | Colli Euganei


There are several ways to explore this poetic paradise. You can undertake the Network of Literary Paths on foot, immersing yourself completely in the natural beauty of the Park. If you prefer a different perspective, you can follow the ‘Literary Itinerary by Bike on the Euganean Hills Cycle Ring’, a route accessible to all. Alternatively, you can relive the ancient river routes and reach the Hills by boat through the Canale Battaglia. After your adventures, relax in the Galzignano thermal baths, soaking in the warm thermal waters that will ensure your well-being.

The ‘Francesco Petrarca and the Euganean Hills’ Literary Park offers you a unique experience, where art, poetry and nature come together in an enchanting journey. Cross the centuries, discovering the places that inspired great literary masters and experience the emotion of walking in the footsteps of poets. Trust in the magic of this place and be inspired by its timeless charm. The Literary Park is a project promoted by the cultural association of the same name and is part of the prestigious international network of Literary Parks®.

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