Christmas presents: gift ideas for art lovers

Regali Natale


Christmas is coming, and, as usual, I’m wondering: “What gifts will I make?”. It is getting more and more difficult to find the perfect Christmas gift and to try not to be ordinary, but maybe this year there will be something new to put under my Christmas tree.
Where can you find these original presents?

Here are my suggestions for 5 original gift ideas for art lovers.


  • The Peggy Guggenheim Collection suggests that you give a friend a Membership card for Christmas, which is a precious and symbolic gesture, because it allows you to support all the scheduled events, and among several benefits the card offers, it also gives you 12 months of free admission to all Guggenheim museums (in Venice, New York and Bilbao).


One of art lovers’ favourite hobbies is visiting exhibitions. To give a ticket exhibition as a gift, maybe for two persons, is certainly a good way to help them to support this passion.

  • EXHIBITIONS: Tickets for exhibitions do not have very high costs, but it depends on the type of event.
    Click the EXHIBITIONS IN THE WORLD link to find some suggestions.
  • BERNINA EXPRESS: Ride one of the world’s most stunning railroads through amazing Alpine scenery. Chug your way up, up, up – 2253 meters above sea level to St. Moritz in the Swiss Alps. An English-speaking guide and all transport are included in this memorable roundtrip adventure.

To book and give away this trip just connect to the page Bernina Express

3. DVD

Art lovers like cinema, too and there are several movies telling the stories of the most important artists. A box set of “artistic” DVDs is certainly the perfect gift for art lovers. For example, the collectible box with Peter Greenaway’s original autograph, who dedicated 3 movies to 3 artists: the engraver Hendrik Goltiuz, the film director Sergei Eisenstein and the painter Rembrandt. (The last one is Nightwatching whose magic and story I told you in a post).

PRICE: 3 DVDs € 29, 90
You can buy the DVD directly on the CG Entertainment’s website, where other documentaries and cult movies are available.

Peter Greenaway

Peter Greenaway

4. books

My suggestions for original Christmas gifts couldn’t come without a book. New York Serenade is a photographic book published by Skira editore, and is a journey into the places of rock history in New York. Fragments of songs, thoughts, memories and stories converse with photos and talk about the shop where Jimi Hendrix spent afternoons; the apartment building where Iggy Pop lived; the first apartment where Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe lived.

PRICE: €32, 00 but if you buy it online it costs € 27, 20.
You’ll find it on the Skira’s website.

New York Serenade | libri

New York Serenade – ed. Skira

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2 thoughts on “Christmas presents: gift ideas for art lovers

  1. Lo scorso Natale ho trovato dei calzini divertenti dedicati ad alcuni artisti contemporanei: non ho resistito e li ho regalati ad un paio di amici molto appassionati. Può essere un’idea da aggiungere a questa lista 🙂

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