The Museum of Forbidden Art: a refuge for censored works

Museo Arte Proibita | Musei Barcellona

Is there a place where censored art can find its voice?
A unique museum in the heart of Barcelona is dedicated precisely to forbidden, or rather ‘censored’, art.
Called the ‘Museum of Forbidden Art‘, this extraordinary cultural space houses works that have been hidden elsewhere because they have caused scandal and social controversy, raised thorny political or religious issues.
In this post, I introduce you to the Forbidden Art Museum.

The Museum of Forbidden Art: a refuge for censored works

Arte Proibita | Musei Barcellona

Hidden in the lively streets of Barcelona, the ‘Museum of Forbidden Art’ is a bulwark against censorship.
Opened at the end of October 2023, the museum brings together more than 200 artistic expressions, including paintings, sculptures and installations, previously withdrawn from exhibitions around the world.
The idea was born out of journalist and entrepreneur Tatxo Benet’s passion for censored works of art, an interest sparked by a controversial purchase at the Madrid International Contemporary Art Exhibition (ARCO).


Every work exhibited in the museum brings with it a story of censorship.
The collection includes works by renowned artists such as works by Gustav Klimt and Pablo Picasso, but also satirical depictions of internationally important political figures. For example, works criticising former US President Donald Trump and Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata are on display, all with a strong social impact.

The works on display do not hesitate to challenge taboos and conventions.
Daring images, such as a portrait of a naked Donald Trump, the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata in unusual clothes, and a statue of Francisco Franco in a refrigerator, stimulate debate and invite reflection.


The inspiration for this museum came to journalist and entrepreneur Tatxo Benet when he bought ‘Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain’, a work by Santiago Sierra that caused a stir for its political message. This experience ignited in Benet a passion for censored art, leading him to collect works that would otherwise have remained hidden from the world.

The museum is not limited to contemporary works. Some works date back to the 18th century, offering a historical perspective on censorship in art.
Among the most well-known exhibits are ‘McJesus’ by Jani Leinonen and a sculpture by León Ferrari criticising the war in Vietnam. In addition, the work ‘Silence’ by Zoulikha Bouabdellah, removed after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, poses profound reflections on freedom of expression.

Arte Censurata | Musei Barcellona

The Museum of Forbidden Art is not just an exhibition of censored works, but an invitation to reflect on freedom of expression and the role of art in society.
This museum is a unique place where censored art is not only safeguarded but celebrated, challenging visitors to see beyond the boundaries imposed by censorship.

To find out more, I recommend you visit the official website of the Forbidden Art Museum and book a visit as soon as possible.

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