Secret stories and jewels, what to see inside the Tower of London

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Have you ever wondered what mysteries and stories surround the majestic Tower of London? This imposing symbol of the UK, with its 21 towers and a past shrouded in enigmas, is much more than just a tourist attraction. Imagine a journey through the ages, discovering glittering jewels and dark corners that hold the secrets of illustrious prisoners and tragic fates.
Here’s what you must see inside the Tower of London.

Secret stories and jewels, what to see inside the Tower of London

img Torre Londra

With its towers, jewels and mysterious stories, inside the Tower of London you can touch history with your own hands and immerse yourself in a world of nobility, power and mystery. An experience that leaves you with the knowledge that every stone has a story to tell and every corner hides a secret to discover.

If you are an art and museum lover and would like to explore other wonders of London, don’t miss my guide on What to see in London in a day if you love art and museums. Now, let’s dive into the extraordinary attractions the Tower of London has to offer. Here’s what you should definitely include on your bucket list when visiting this fascinating historical destination.


At the centre of this imposing structure stands the majestic ‘White Tower’, a fortress with ancient walls that holds fascinating stories. Inside, the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist welcomes visitors with an atmosphere of devotion and mystery, while weapons and armour dating back more than three hundred years take visitors on a journey through the history of English monarchs.

Towers added over time, such as Beauchamp Tower and Bowyer Tower, complete this fascinating historical landscape, adding intriguing detail to the stories told by the walls.


In the heart of the Tower of London is the Jewel House, a treasure chest that leaves you breathless. Jewels, crowns, sceptres and priceless objects tell the story of power and nobility.
Diamonds and Crown Jewels are not only symbols and historical relics, but are still used today in ceremonies of great national importance, linking the glorious past to the present.


For more than five hundred years, the Beefeaters have played a crucial role in guarding the Tower of London. These ceremonial guardians, responsible for the Crown Jewels and the control of prisoners, carry on a historical legacy that dates back to the time of Henry VII.
The Beefeaters are living witnesses to many events that have spanned the centuries.


In the shadow of the towers, ravens play a fascinating role in the history of the Tower of London. Protectors of the British Crown, their presence is shrouded in an intriguing legend: superstition has it that the fall of crows would bring misfortune to England.
Respecting them is one way to honour this tradition.

La Cappella di San Giovanni Evangelista

La Cappella di San Giovanni Evangelista


In addition to the main stories, the Tower of London offers hidden gems waiting to be discovered:

  • The Patibulum: A glass monument commemorates the tragic stories of those who lost their lives here, including the fate of queens such as Lady Jane Grey, Catherine Howard and Anne Boleyn.
  • The Fusilier Museum: An immersion in the history of the Royal Fusiliers, with flags, documents and uniforms telling of the soldiers’ bravery and honour.
  • Medieval Palace: A palace that hosted kings and queens, with luxurious rooms and towers that still bear the memory of ancient meetings and court intrigues.
  • Torture Chamber: A dark room revealing medieval instruments of torture, recalling the Tower’s dark past.

Discover the magic of the Tower of London and plan your visit in advance. To find out more about how to book tickets and skip the queue, check out our detailed guide: Tower of London Tickets: how to book and skip the queue. Every minute you save in line is an extra minute you can spend exploring this fascinating landmark in the heart of London.

Feeling ready to explore the Tower of London’s deep roots of history and mystery? Get ready for an unforgettable adventure through centuries of the past, enriched by glittering jewels and stories that stand the test of time. The Tower of London awaits you, ready to reveal its wonders and secrets.

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