Here are the exhibitions in Venice 2018, that is all the important events you can’t miss.
Venice always offers a wide choice of cultural events, but what to see?
Making a list of everything you must see is impossible, but you can make a selection.
READ ALSO – Biennale Architettura 2018 what to see: the pavilions and the exhibitions
Exhibitions in Venice 2018
The Biennale Architettura 2018 – Venice

Biennale Architettura 2018
- The Biennale Architettura 2018 (the 16thInternational Architecture Exhibition)This year the main event in Venice will certainly be the Biennale Architettura 2018 (the 16thInternational Architecture Exhibition).
The title of this edition is “Freespace”and is curated by two women: Yvonne Farrell and Shelly McNamara.
READ ALSO – Venice Biennale tickets 2018: how to visit The Biennale Architettura
1948: the Biennale of Peggy Guggenheim – Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice
- 1948: the Biennale of Peggy Guggenheim
2018 will mark the 70thanniversary of the exhibition of Peggy Guggenheim’s collection at the Venice Biennale.
It was the first display of Peggy Guggenheim’s collection in Europe.
To celebrate the anniversary her museum displays the model of the Pavilion designed on that occasion.
READ AlSO – The Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice: heart and soul
WHEN: 25 may – 25 november, 2018
WHERE: Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice
Disegni dalle raccolte della Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Palazzo Cini, Venezia
- IMAGINED ARCHITECTURE. Drawings from the Collections of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
The exhibition “Imagined Architecture” is part of the project for the reopening of Palazzo Cini, residence of Vittorio Cini, businessman and art collector, which houses amazing works by Botticelli, Filippo Lippi, Piero di Cosimo and Dosso Dossi, just to mention a few.Since 2014 the Palace has been open to the public during the summer months, when it transforms into a place to show works and documents usually available only to scholars.
READ ALSO – Architecture as art and imagined architecture in Venice
WHEN: 20 april – 17 september, 2018
WHERE: Palazzo Cini, Venice
JOHN RUSKIN. The stones of Venice – Doge’s Palace, Venice

JOHN RUSKIN. Le pietre di Venezia
- JOHN RUSKIN. The stones of Venice
English writer, painter and art critic, John Ruskin (1819-1900) had a very close relationship with Venice, to which he dedicated his most famous work “The stones of Venice”.
The exhibition illustrates Ruskin’s works and his abiding love for Venice.
READ ALSO – The Doge’s Palace in Venice: works, entrance tickets and opening times
WHEN: 10 march – 10 june 2018
WHERE: Doge’s Palace, Venice
Two Masterpieces compared. BELLINI / MANTEGNA – Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice

Capolavori a confronto. BELLINI / MANTEGNA. Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio.
- BELLINI/MANTEGNA. Two Masterpieces compared
At first glance they look like alike, but you understand that the two paintings have “different personalities”.
Bellini, from Venice, and Mantegna, from Paduaregion, certainly knew each other, since the latter married Bellini’s stepsister.
The exhibition gives you the chance to admire, for the first time, the two works together.
READ ALSO – Giovanni Bellini: Life and works
WHEN: 21 march - 1 july 2018
WHERE: Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice
Jacopo Tintoretto, pittore veneziano (1519-1594) – Palazzo Ducale, Venezia
- Jacopo Tintoretto, Venetian painter (1519-1594)
To celebrate the 500thanniversary of the birth of Tintoretto, Venice will dedicate a great exhibition at the Doge’s Palace to him.
The event will also give you the chance to admire Tintoretto’s works hanging in the most important museums in the world and which, at last, will be brought together in his hometown.
WHEN: 7 september 2018 – 6 january 2019
WHERE: Doge’s Palace, Venice
La Venezia di Tintoretto – Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venezia
- Venice of Tintoretto
On the occasion of the 500thanniversary of the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto, together with the exhibition devoted to the artist held at the Doge’s Palace, the Mocenigo Palace Museum will offer the opportunity to look deeper into the life of the 16thcentury in Venice and not only.
WHEN: 7 september 2018 – 6 january 2019
WHERE: Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice
READ ALSO: Tintoretto exhibition: the 500th anniversary of the birth of the great artist