An itinerary to discover some villages among Syracuse, Catania and Enna



How many marvels and how much history to discover in Sicily! In this post you’ll find an itinerary to discover the villages among Syracuse, Catania and Enna.  Here is an itinerary to discover the some most beautiful villages.

villages among Syracuse, Catania and Enna you should visit

Rocca di Sutera

Rocca di Sutera

Portopalo di Capo Passero
In the southernmost edge of Sicily is Portopalo di Capo Passero, in the exact place where the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea meet. It’s always been a fishing village, and is the place where a large community of fishermen lives and works and where the Romeo family has been producing “nasse” (fish traps) made of reeds for 4 generations.

A village built around the Norman castle. Here you can visit the famous “neviere”, the buildings used to store and distribute the snow that fell heavily in the 17th and 18th centuries, used for slushes, ice creams and even to nurse the sick who had a high fever.

Licodia Eubea
Heading towards Catania and its surroundings, you can enter the very heart of Easter Sicily and visit Licodia Eubea. You shouldn’t miss the castle bestowed to the Santapau family, near the town and built on a Greek or Arab fortification. Only later it became a medieval castle. What remains of the ancient building are only some walls and a tower, because it was almost destroyed by the 1693 earthquake.

Militello in Val di Catania
Only few kilometers from Licodia Eubea is Militello in Val di Catania, which is a riot of monasteries, palaces and churches. You can’t miss the Abbey of San Benedetto, built in the 17th century and Santa Maria della Stella, the Church with a Baroque façade that houses an altar piece by Andrea della Robbia.

Zafferana Etnea
Ascending towards Mount Etna you’ll come across Zafferana Etnea, the village of bees and honey and related to seismic events and Etna lava flows. You should visit the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, built starting from the early 19th century with an Art Nouveau-style façade.

Here the soul of famous writer Giovanni Verga and his characters linger, but you should lose yourself in the Jewish quarters, places of Christian worship, rupestrian churches and the ghost village of tanners called “Cunziria”, where you can admire the ancient tanks where animal skins were cleaned, but also the setting for a famous duel described in“Cavalleria Rusticana” by Pietro Mascagni.

Going forward in the territory of Enna and its surroundings you’ll arrive in Sperlinga, a village built around its castle and that alone is worth the trip. From the baronial halls to warehouses, to the prison, up to the staircase that once, with particular traps, allowed to get rid of unwelcome guests.

In the surroundings of Enna lies Centuripe, the village of one hundreds cliffs with its churches, the museum, amazing Baroque vases, ceramists but also typical dishes of the rural tradition.

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