Giulio Marchetti is an artist but also a poet, a multifaceted personality who uses poetry and digital art to tell the contradictions and paradoxes of the world we live in.
His works are provocative, ironic and lead us to reflect on our way of life.
I interviewed Giulio Marchetti to get to know him better, to understand how his works are created and to discover his relationship with words, poetry and the new forms of digital communication.
Interview with Giulio Marchetti

Giulio Marchetti, Dramazon
As a poet, Giulio Marchetti made his debut in 2008 with “Il sogno della vita” (The dream of life), which was followed by another five collections of poems. Then, during the early stages of the pandemic, the transition to digital art was almost natural and his words were transformed into images.
Here is what he told me about his relationship with words and digital art.
Caterina Stringhetta: Looking at your works, the first thing I noticed is that words often occupy an important space. What is your relationship with words?
Giulio Marchetti: Artistically I am born a poet.
The confidence with words is there.
In visual art I perhaps use them to reinforce the message conveyed by the work.
Caterina Stringhetta: On your website, you have a page entirely devoted to your books of poetry. The first one was published in 2008 and is entitled “The Dream of Life”. How much of the poet is there in your work and how much of the artist is there in your poems?
Giulio Marchetti: My poetry tends to be intimist and, at times, hermetic.
My artistic production is often steeped in social criticism.
Two worlds seemingly distant but, perhaps, complementary.
Caterina Stringhetta: In your works, reality is described with an irony that brings out all the contradictions and paradoxes of our time. How do the ideas for your works come about?
Giulio Marchetti: From an intuition.
From the title.
Inspiration from reading another artist.
It depends.
Caterina Stringhetta: The Internet has become a fundamental means of communication for art. What is your relationship with the web and social media?
Giulio Marchetti: The Internet has changed the fruition, dissemination and sharing of art.
However, I believe that museums (and, secondarily, galleries) remain the true institutions, the cathedrals of art. As far as the market is concerned, Crypto Art represents an interesting window.
Caterina Stringhetta: What are your next projects and what do you dream of for your future?
Giulio Marchetti: The natural landing place for Digital Art seems to be Crypto Art.
But I don’t disdain a good physical display, after the uncertainties of the pandemic.
As a dream, I would like to repeat Federico Clapis’s path (even in smaller proportions).

Giulio Marchetti, Pulp Virus
All the information about Giulio Marchetti, his works and his projects can be found on his website Giulio Marchetti Art,but the artist is also present on Instagram @giuliomarchetti_art
All the books of poetry published by the artist are listed on his website, where it is also possible to read an extract from each volume.