Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable: Damien Hirst exhibition in Venice

Damien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable


Fake, myth, dream and illusion.
These could be the key words of Damien Hirst’s great exhibition in Venice.
Two exhibition spaces, Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana, for a great event which has taken 10 years in the making, in which Damien Hirst displays a plausible story, which is, however, totally invented.

The Damien Hirst exhibition in Venice anticipates a few weeks of the events of the Venice Biennale, but this is an independent event destined to remain among the great events of the British artist.
I tell you everything in this post.

Damien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable

The term exhibition doesn’t suit this show, which is, in my opinion, the most amazing event of the last few years, regarding contemporary art.

Damien Hirst tells the story of a shipwreck discovered off the coast of East Africa in 2008.
Photographs and film allow you to start to play a game or begin an extraordinary journey through the “Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable”.
Documents which make the recovery of that wreck containing the rich collection of Cif Amotan II, a freed slave from Antioch, realistic. And those recovered artworks are on exhibition, and visitors can admire the treasure of an ex-slave who became so rich that he built a lavish collection of artefacts coming from all over the world.

I’ll give those who are going to visit the exhibition just a piece of advice: lose yourself in suggestion, leave reality at the entrance and begin daydreaming.

“Because believing is something much stronger and more important than reality” – Damien Hirst.

READ ALSO: Things to see in Venice.

Damien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the UnbelievableDamien Hirst | Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable

Damien Hirst, Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable
When:  09 April 2017 – 03 Dicember 2017 – Venice
Where: Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana


Near Punta de Dogana is the house of Peggy Guggenheim, read also the history of the The Peggy Guggenheim Collection


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One thought on “Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable: Damien Hirst exhibition in Venice

  1. This reminds me of “Exit Through the Gift Shop” — Banksy has exhibit, created his own hype, and eveyone bought into it… Artist’s today need every advantage, edge, they can find, or use to sell their work in this modern world.
    DAMIEN HIRST used his surroundings, “Venice” and created a plausible tale of shipwreck over 2000 years ago… I saw the documentary, was captivated the entire time… Was surprised this was nothing more than a marketing tatic to get maximum exposure for his exhibit. :+) BRAVO Damien. Bravo!!!!

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