The theft of Caravaggio’s Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis of Assisi


Caravaggio Natività con i Santi Lorenzo e Francesco d'Assisi

On the night of Oct. 17-18, 1969, Caravaggio’s Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis of Assisi, one of the masterpieces of Italian Baroque, was stolen under mysterious circumstances from the Oratory Chapel of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Italy.
The theft of this painting, made in 1609 during the last period of Caravaggio’s life, left a void in art history and is still the most enigmatic art theft that occurred in Italy.


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Le mostre da vedere a Giugno 2024 in Italia

mostra Gae Aulenti Milano

Le principali mostre da vedere quest’estate sono state inaugurate, quindi in questo post non troverai le mostre che inaugurano a Giugno ma quelle che hanno già aperto le loro porte al pubblico ma che non dovresti assolutamente perdere. Attenzione perchè alcune delle mostre che ti suggerisco chiuderanno proprio a giugno, quindi occhio alle date per non perderle!
Ecco le 5 mostre da vedere a Giugno 2024 in Italia.

Le mostre da vedere a Giugno 2024 in Italia

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Il complesso legame tra Arte e Fascismo

C. Carrà, Atleti a riposo

Looking at artworks created during the fascist regime, I have often found myself pondering how fascism influenced the figurative culture of that particular historical period and what was the relationship between art and fascism.

So how did the complex system of art develop during the 20-year fascist period and how did artists give voice to the myths and themes of fascism?
In this post I will attempt to answer this question by describing a complex and still little-studied period.

The link between art and fascism in Italy

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Barcelona museums: those you must see

Casa Vicens | musei Barcelona

Casa Vicens Barcelona


Barcelona museums. Which ones to visit and which ones to include in the itinerary for a visit to the city?
When I wrote the post about What to see in Barcelona discovering Gaudí’s works, I inserted a series of museums you must see whichever itinerary you choose.
If you are looking for inspirations for what to see during your next trip to Barcelona, you’re in the right place. Here is where to go.

Barcelona museums

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Description of the lost Portrait of a Young Man by Raphael

One of the works lost during World War II is The Portrait of a Young Man by Raphael Sanzio, one of the masters of the Italian Renaissance. The painting disappeared in 1945 during the chaos of the last days of World War II, and it was a great loss since this work is considered one of Raphael’s masterpieces, celebrated for its refined depiction of the subject and fine painting technique. Before the war, the work was held at the Czartoryski Collection in Krakow, Poland, but was requisitioned by the Nazis along with many other works of art as part of their cultural despoliation efforts.


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