Things to see in Treviso. The territory of Treviso and its surroundings is a perfect combination of art, history and nature.
I’ve already suggested you what to do in Treviso, recommending you the places you should visit and see in the most important city of this area.
Now I’ll give you some advice about visiting the surroundings of Treviso, proposing you three special itineraries.

Things to see in Treviso – Villa Maser.
Each village and each street of the territory of Treviso has a rich heritage to be discovered following different itineraries.
Here are three itineraries dedicated to three artists: Palladio, Canova and Giorgione.
The first itinerary is dedicated to Palladio
The Villa Barbaro in Maser, masterpiece of the 16th century, planned and built by Andrea Palladio, represents the Renaissance ideal of perfection and beauty, and is magnificently decorated with frescoes by Paolo Caliari, also known as the Veronese.
Also the Tempietto Barbaro is part of the villa.
It is Andrea Palladio’s last project, who planned a church with a circular plan. You should also visit the other Palladian villa, the Villa Emo in Fanzolo di Vedelago, which is the arrival point in defining Palladian architecture.
Since 1996 all the Palladian villas have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites List.
SEE ALSO: photos of my visit to the exhibition Jefferson e Palladio. Come costruire un mondo nuovo (Jefferson and Palladio. Constructing a New World), which for the first time in Europe described how Palladio influenced the USA architecture.
The second itinerary is dedicated to Canova
Possagno is Antonio Canova’s native town, the most important neoclassical sculptor. You can admire an array of his masterpieces in the photo gallery I dedicated to Canova.
In the centre of Possagno there are the house in which the artist was born and the Gipsoteca (gallery of plaster casts) exhibiting the plaster casts of his masterpieces.
The sculptor was attached for all his life to his land, and, in fact, was buried here inside the majestic Tempio Canoviano (the Temple of Canova), a neoclassical church planned by Canova himself.
Canova’s body is buried in Possagno, while his heart is housed in Venice inside the Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, not far from the Gallerie dell’Accademia which exhibits several Canova’s works.
The third itinerary is dedicated to Giorgione
Castelfranco Veneto is Giorgione’s native town, and the Duomo (the Cathedral) houses one of his most beautiful works.
The Madonna and Child Between St. Francis and St. Nicasius, also known as the Castelfranco Madonna is the only altarpiece painted by the artist, but it was capable of influencing Venetian art, thanks to the invention of the division of the space which makes the look enlarge towards the landscape that takes up a good portion of the background.
In Castelfranco Veneto there’s also the Museo Casa Giorgione (Giorgione House Museum) containing a frieze attributed to the painter.

Things to see in Treviso – the Castelfranco Madonna.

Things to see in Treviso – Villa Barbaro

Things to see in Treviso – Temple of Canova

Things to see in Treviso – Gipsoteca
READ ALSO: Exhibitions in Treviso: a great season of events.